Our very own Love God, Lenny, has died at the age of 74. We were very touched by the sheer amount of media coverage the story got, and you can read some of it here.

Gerrie and Susan said, “What can we say about Lenny? A star among Celebrants, a warm caring funny man who saw and brought out the best in the people who he supported. And there were many of you.
Families who were grieving a loss and couples in love wee babies joining families and communities young people coming of age.
Lenny was there for everyone and was interested in all of your lives.

Lenny’s wit made sure that ceremonies were always full of fun and laughter and of course LOVE as he understands this to be the essence of human connection.
Lenny loved being a Love and we all did too.
As co-founders of Celebrate People we were honoured to know and love Lenny and surround him with our loving thoughts, meditations and care.

For those of you who knew Lenny, he has touched your lives, so cherish these memories of an incredible man.”
A rock ‘n’ roller at heart, Lenny decided years ago that when the time came, he would “do a David Bowie”. Like the enigmatic pop star, he opted to have an anonymous, unattended cremation; keep an eye on your social media for news of the memorial which will be held at a more appropriate time.